Sunday, July 29, 2012

Domingo - 22.03

I slept in until 8:30 this morning, and then I got up and ate breakfast and such. I did my emails and checked my Facebook while eating. Then I made the bed and took a nap on top of it. I woke up to my alarm and then grabbed my camera and headed out. I also grabbed the rest of the paper (newspapers and stuff from last session) and an empty water bottle to take care of on the way. After dumping them in the giant recycling bins in the street, I got on the metro. My first stop is Fundación Canal, which is supposed to be a museum. It's on my metro line, but at the way other end! 17 stops, 3 away from the end of the line. It was a long ride. There was an accordion player in the metro car for about two stops. I got a photo. A few stops later there was a guitar player and singer, and the singer made up songs about the people on the train, and I was in it with my camera haha. These two looked only a few years older than me though, and the guys had a really nice guitar case, so I think they were just doing it for fun.

When I got to the stop I headed right there, taking photos of the buildings along the way. I think this must be the more industrial side, because there were two tall banks (well, same bank just two buildings). Then I found the park first. I walked around, but for the most part, it was pretty boring. I found the museum last, since it was in the front right corner, and I had entered in the back left. I walked in the door and the guard told me they were closed. I asked (automatically and in Spanish!) when they were open. He said not until December. Oh. So I headed back to the metro for my long ride back.

I stopped about halfway though, to a metro stop that's supposed to have the photography exhibit, Fundación Telefónica. Well, I got there no problem, but it's apparently a store an not a museum. I don't need to buy a phone, I have two. Then I walked to Sol metro. On the way I found two pairs of shoes that I absolutely fell in love with. They're boots, for one, which is my weakness. Second, they were a green color, like a pea green but a bit darker. Third, they were like a suade texture. I wanted them so bad! But alas, I am too poor to pay the 50-60 Euros price tag. I was hoping they were on sale. They weren't. So I trudged back onto the Sol metro with the intent of stopping somewhere in Atocha for lunch, since I had an hour to kill before my next stop (another museum) became free.

I ended up getting a bruschetta pizza square for lunch. It was pretty huge, and only two euros! For me, it was perfect. There were no tables inside, so I walked around while I ate it, and it was delicious. When I was done I went from store to store, browsing. I ended up spending all the money I have left. I figured it was ok since I only have tomorrow that I'll be here, and I'm gonna use my last coupon for the Restaurante, so I don't need to buy anything. I also didn't have much left, only about twenty Euro. I'm excited because I found an Infanta Margarita statue, which I've been wanting for a while now. It's a replica of Velázquez's "Las Meninas", and it's the smallest (and cheapest!) that I've been able to find. I figured why not, I should treat myself. I also bought a regalo for one of my favorite people! It's not a souvenir though ;)

I didn't want to take my bag to the museum, so I headed back to the apartment. I dropped off my bag, and then decided that I didn't want to see the museum, I would rather just relax a bit before going to meet Cora at six for our last meeting. So I wrapped the regalo in newspaper (for which I was glad I didn't throw it all away this morning), since the box it came in didn't offer anything. Then I cleaned up a bit more, collecting a bag of trash again. I have to say, I looked around at all I have left, and I miss mom's expert packing skills. I know I can get it all to fit, since I have a lot of room, I just don't know if it'll be the most effective use of space. Hopefully I don't exceed the weight limit either. If I do I'll put my books in my carry on.

I had a bit of time to kill, so I went over my notes for my art class. I'm not really worried about any exam at this point, but it's always better safe than sorry. Then I packed a bit more, so all I have left are a few clothes, one pair of sandals, and bathroom stuff or my suitcase. The rest is going in my carry on bag. Then I got my planner all filled out, and then packed it. I also went through school stuff and threw it all away, since I won't be needing it anymore.

After that whole organizing and studying bit, I took a nap for about forty five minutes before heading out. I left early this time, but when I got to the metro, the next train was in 7 minutes! I ended up being on time, thankfully. We walked to a cafe, which was closed, and then to another one. We talked a bit in Spanish, like usual. I feel like I talked a big more today since its been a good weekend. I also had her make sure my letter to my home stay family is correct, and I had her read through what I'm gonna memorize for my exam tomorrow. I used subjunctive correctly! Haha that's a first. Then we did the English part. I finished the story today! I have to say, I think I liked the ending the best, because it's "fresh" and shows a strong, independent woman.

After our meeting, I headed back to the apartment. When I got back, I wrote my thank you note on the back of my drawing for my family, and then studied a bit more for my conversation final. I can't wait until I'm finally done with my finals! It's just like in Houghton, by now I just wanna be done with them! Then I spent time playing games on my phone. Haha oh well.

Then it was dinner time! It was A chicken leg, lettuce salad, and French fries. Super delicious today! I had my standard yogurt for dessert, with brown sugar today. Mmm... Pilar didn´t have the recipe for me today, but I was my usual timid self, so I didn´t ask her for it. I might as tomorrow, and have paper with me when I do, so I can write it down as she tells me, or have her write it right there. After dinner I did the standard, showered, brushed my teeth, and then I studied a little but more. Hopefully tomorrow goes well!

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