Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sábado - 21.25

This entry will be short. I did nothing all day until about 4:30. There's a shop right next to the metro that I get on every day, and it's been under construction for the past month. Imagine my excitement when I saw that it was open for business. I headed there at 4:30 to take a look around before I met Julian outside near the metro. It is my new favorite store here in Madrid. The best way I can think to describe it is like a Michael's or a Jo-Ann's. There was such a wide variety of stuff! There's sand toys and pool toys when you first walk in, then sunglasses, then electronics like flashlights, computer mice, book lamps, etc. Then the middle section is all crafts and school supplies, colored pencils, markers, papers, beads, envelopes, blank canvases, sketchpads, paperclips, folders, binders, notebooks, etc. Next is a toys section, then a home goods section, with candles, lamps, little nick knacks, towels, bath products, etc. After that is a miscellaneous section, then a cooking section. They had some really cute kitchen timers and cutting boards. I really like that store.

Then I met Julian and we walked back to my apartment with his suitcase. He's not staying for the second session, but he's going with us girls to Bilbao and San Sebastian, so he doesn't have a home-stay anymore where he can keep his stuff, so I said he could keep a suitcase here since I'll be gone too. I made him stay in the lobby though because I'm pretty sure he's not allowed in the apartment. After that we headed to a supermarket to get lunch (at 5pm), and then to the metro to meet Alicia to watch the parade.

It was a lot of fun. There were so many different kinds of people there; old, young, gay, straight, male, female, even some drag queens! There were also some really cool costumes. We saw the Hulk, and he was probably my favorite. There were also a lot of men in thongs and super short shorts... I did not need to see so much skin tonight. I could definitely have done without. There was also a LOT of glitter and shiny costumes. I liked that part. It was really cool though, there weren't floats, but there were huge buses. Picture a semi pulling a stage. Then picture about ten in a row, packed with people. It was pretty sweet. I'm so glad I went. Alicia was dead tired, and Julian was too, so we were a pretty quiet bunch. After I came back to the apartment because I didn't want to miss dinner.

It was the condensed noodle soup again, then a fish fillet with some potato chips. I really liked it. The chips here weren't salty enough for me though... they're just... normal chips haha. Then I had a yogurt for dessert. Pilar was running around the whole time I ate because they have company over, so I didn't get to talk with her much. She did clarify when I'm leaving and when I'm coming back though, so I'm all set to go! I have to meet up with Julian again in about a half hour to go over our route to get to the airport, since the metro's don't open until 6am and our flight is a 6:20. Alicia and Jennifer are going together and Julian and I are going together because they live on the other side of Madrid. I heard it's complicated too, more so than just catching a bus and then a shuttle. Hopefully it works out for pretty cheap...

Other than that I'm just going to sleep as much as possible until I need to leave here at 3:00 am. It's gonna be rough. I'm all packed though, so all I'll need to do is roll out of bed, put on my shoes and go. That's what I'm planning. I'll probably quadruple check my bag and make sure I have everything, but it'll still be quick. I'm hoping I can sleep a bit on the buses/shuttle if they're long, and then on the 2 hour flight so when we get to Bilbao I can be up and running! I'm not going to try coffee again, I learned my lesson with that in Barcelona. All natural this time... hopefully it works! I'm bringing my phone with me, so I should be able to continue posting about my daily adventures. For now, adios!

Sábado - 10.36

For the pool party, we ended up meeting up at the Atocha metro stop, and then rode to the Atocha Renfe together, which is where we were supposed to be. We got in line and bought the tickets because we weren't sure which to get from the machine. Olga (Alicia's intercambio)'s directions on the Facebook message to Alicia were pretty confusing. It made sense though once we got to the platform.

The ride was about an hour out of the heart of Madrid. It was pretty fun, we were the only four in our car at one point, so that was pretty cool. When we got out of the train station, Olga and her friends were waiting for us. They took us to the pool in cars! It was kind of exciting to be in a normal car with someone my age (who speaks English) again. I was in the back with Julian, and Jennifer had taken the front seat. They still drive completely crazy, even if they're not a taxi driver. The pool was in Olga's backyard and it was so pretty! She ahd a covered patio with stairs leading to the side of the house and to the pool. The pool was inground and it had lights all the way around it. There were also palm trees! One on each side of the stairs to get in. It felt really good to be able to swim in a pool again. 

The sun felt real nice when we got out too. I hope I got a little tan at least. We all used my sunscreen too, so none of us should have gotten too burnt. I didn't. Anyway, there were three bags of chips that we all ate. The first was ham flavored chips, and they were really good! I wasn't expecting to like them much, but they were my fave. The second bag was Tex-Mex like Doritos. The third was just regular chips. Then a bit later, we ate barbecue! It was really good! The first thing we had was strips of pork, like Bacon, but fattier and thicker. It was real good, I had two pieces. Then we got ribs, which were pretty good too. I only had one of those. After that we got chorizo and some other type of sausage that they wouldn't tell us what it was. We were all okay with that, sometimes it's better not knowing. It wasn't too good in my opinion, but I don't know how to describe the taste. Everyone else really liked it though. It turns out it was coagulated pigs blood. So now I can say I've eaten pigs blood. But the last meat was more ribs, cooked more slowly this time and seasoned. Aldo, the one who cooked it all, said it was the best. I only had one because I was full, but wanted to try it. It was delicious!! I was glad I tried some. 

After the meat was mostly done cooking, Ami, one of the guys who started the grill, came over and wiped his hands on Jennifer's shoulders, my back, Alicia's arms, and Julian's arms. It was a lot of fun. Later he wiped some on our faces, but none of us really cared. I wiped my back off with a napkin and Aldo laughed at me as said that's what the pool was for. By that time, the sun was down and I was wiping off my back so I could put my tank top back on because I was getting cool, so I wasn't going in the water.

Before, during, and after we talked about Spain and America, like sports, politics, gay marriage (in honor of gay pride today), and where they're all from as well as where we're all from. I was so glad I took my culture and civilization class because I knew a lot more about Spain's politics and history than any of the other Americans did. It turns out that the younger generations don't really like the Royal family because they don't do anything but still get paid. I asked what the younger generations think of Adolfo Suarez, who is "Spain's Democracy Hero". He was the president appointed by the King, and then was the first elected president. He set up the senate and parliament in Spain, as well as allowed for autonomous communities within Spain, like the Basque Country. Ami, one of the other guys, said they pretty much only think what they're parents think about him, since he's been out of office for years now. It was interesting. 

There were ten of us there total, the four of us (Alicia, Jennifer, Julian and I), four guys, and two girls. One of the girls was Olga, and the other was Kata. It was a lot of fun, I'm SO glad I got the invite! It turns out it was Ami's birthday too, so they had a cake for him and we sang Happy Birthday (in English) to him. It was really good, like some sort of cream and then a layer of what seemed like stiff pudding? I don't know what it was called. Alicia put some of the whipped cream on Ami's nose and we all laughed, causing one of the guys to come put some on the rest of our faces. I wiped that off pretty quick. It was a bit of a night of corruption though. Rolling cigarettes is pretty popular here in Spain (since nearly everyone smokes), and Alicia wanted to try it, so Ami let her roll one. It was pretty interesting to watch. Then she smoked it. They convinced Julian (it didn't take much convincing) to roll one too, and then he smoked that one. I'm pretty sure it's the first time he smoked. Jennifer tried Alicia's, and when it was passed to me I shook my head. That's one thing I will NOT try here in Spain. There was also Hookah, which Jennifer and Julian tried for the first time. I passed on that again, not wanting to try it.

Back in Barcelona we had passed a Hookah bar and everyone except Brendan and I wanted to go in, but without us to split the cost it as too much for the girls. So once I again I passed on the tobacco. After a bit longer, Olga announced that it was 8 euros per person, which came as a shock to us Americans, since we hadn't known we were going to be asked for money. It was a lot of food and drinks though, and it was all pretty good, so we didn't mind. It was sad to part with money again though.

They wanted to go to a park next so the neighbors didn't get too upset with the volume level. It was midnight by this point, so we were all like sure, whatever. Back into the cars. The park was only a short distance away. For me, it was freezing! I was only in my orange and white striped tank top and shorts, which would have been fine for any of the other nights lately. We sat on a skate park, which was pretty cool since it was all graffiti-ed and pretty. Then we got kicked out because the group was being too loud (I was pretty tired by this point and had fallen asleep on my knee when the cops came over). We moved to the entrance for a bit, and then we headed to a bar.

I was really tired by this point, and ended up dozing off on a small stage inside the bar. It was warmer, which was good. I woke up when someone tapped my shoulder. It was an old man (balding) who asked if I wanted to dance. I wondered what made him think I'd want to dance when I wasn't dancing with my friends. I shook my head though, and he walked away without a problem. Later he danced in the middle of the group I came with, and it was pretty funny to watch him. He had some pretty good moves. Alicia had a lot to drink by this point, and ended up making out with two of the guys from our group, Ami and Guillermo. I understood what Karina had said about many couples breaking up when one of the two went abroad, since Alicia has a boyfriend. I'm too loyal to do that someone though, nor would I want to. It made me miss Brandon again though. 

Kata came up to me and said she was going back to Madrid, and asked if I wanted a ride. I said yes, please! We talked nearly the entire ride back. She's really nice. Originally she's from Malaga, south of Madrid. She moved to Madrid 5 years ago when she was 19 and said she's loved Madrid ever since. I found out she's also a model when I asked her if she had traveled to many parts of Spain. Turns out she had for various jobs. She also has been to Sevilla and Granada, and recommends that I try to go to both. I just need to find someone to go with me! She also knew exactly where I live, because I told her Pacifico at first, and she said she used to live at that stop. Then I told her my street name and said it was right across from the church, and she knew where that was too! Her  boyfriend's family lives very close to the church as well. Plus she was going to Kapital, so I was literally on the way for her, which made me feel better. It was like getting a taxi ride, but way better because it was free, and she was more my age and spoke English. It was awesome. I didn't get to bed until about 4 though, making it a close second to the latest night I've had here.

This morning I woke up and ate my breakfast in the quiet apartment (no one else is awake). Then I came back to write this. The plan for later in the day is to meet up (the four of us again) and head to Chueca, the gay neighborhood of Madrid, to watch the pride festivities. I'm debating about whether I want to bring my camera or not. I'm not sure how busy it'll be. But I'll let you know if I do decide to bring it! That was my very fun, very late, eventful night. 

Viernes - 15.00

I woke up today around nine, surprisingly, and got up. After going to bed around three, I'd say that's not too bad. I just kind of lounged around in the morning. I didn't make my bed right away, like normal. I did go to eat breakfast after washing my face. I was able to have cold milk this morning. It was yummy. I still miss American milk though, I don't think the milk here is "real", because it comes in cardboard boxes that don't need to be refrigerated until after you open it. Sometimes I'll get to the kitchen after Pilar pours a large bowl for cereal for Carlitos, and have to use a new box. Those days I only have about half a glass, because room temperature milk is just not very good. But I was all on my own this morning, so it was peaceful and quiet.

After breakfast, I came to my room and made my bed, sat on it for a while doing email and Facebook on my phone. Then, since it was only 75 degrees out, I decided to go running. It was fantastic. There was a heavenly breeze while I was running, it felt so good! After I did my ten minute run, I stopped in a different grassy/shady area to do my core and arms. Then after my five minute cool down, I walked slowly. This time, instead of "stopping to smell the roses", I stopped to watch the ducks. There's a small pond I run by whenever I go running, and there's usually ducks. Since it wasn't so hot out today and I was heading home, I decided to say hello.

 (One duck. Two ducks!)

Also on my way home, two things happened. One, I saw this view. It's kind of hard to see with this photo, but you can see miles and miles of Madrid. There's a tall building in the distance that you can just barely see toward the middle of the photo. It reminds me how LUCKY I am to be here, in a city as beautiful and historic as Madrid. It's the little things, right? The second thing that happened was I saw something in a window of a store that I thought would be perfect for someone back home! It was also about three doors down from my apartment building, so I walked back, switched my tennis shoes for sandals, left my iPhone and grabbed my money pouch. The store was pretty interesting. I think it's primarily a light store, since there were rows of light bulbs and hanging from every space on the ceiling were some really cool light fixtures. But I didn't get a light bulb or a light fixture. I got something more special. I'm excited about it too, I'm making it into more than what it is. This person will understand what I mean when I give it to them.

After that I cooled down in the apartment while eating the slightly wrinkly apple that I brought home from campus yesterday. I then washed up in the bathroom before coming back to my room to get started on the second part of my regalo. I bought two things at the store, and after I did the first regalo, I started working on the second. This is also special, because it'll be something handmade. I'm excited about them. I only have one person left that I want to buy for now. I'm sure I'll find something in the next month.

We never ended up going to lunch, because the other three didn't get home until about 6 in the morning, so they just wanted to sleep. I was fine with that, I got to save a bit of money. So after working on my gifts a bit more, it was time to get ready for the pool party! I wore my second bathing suit this time, so I've worn them both now! This means I can justify packing two haha.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Viernes - 10.00

Last night was a lot of fun. I met up with Alicia, Jennifer, and Julian at Sol, the big meeting hub. We walked to a Heineken bar that was nearby so they could get some drinks before we went to the club. I told them I didn't have any money, which was true. All I had was a 5 and I was planning on using it to get home if I didn't leave by 1:30. But it was cool, the deal was 6 beers for 5 euros, so they each got two, and Jennifer let me have her second one so I didn't feel too left out. Then Alicia bought us a round of shots because they were only one euro each. They were delicious. It was half kiwi juice, so it was lime green too! After the bar we headed to the metro to head to el Kapital, the club everyone's been talking about where women are free every Thursday.

Well, when we were crossing the street, Jennifer and I got confused, because we heard people speaking English behind us, but Alicia and Julian were in front of us. Here we met Morgan and Marissa, two girls studying abroad from the States through the ISC study abroad program. Marissa is actually from Michigan! She goes to U of M too, so I even knew where. By the time we crossed the street and walked in the door of Kapital, we found out there was a special event last night, so women weren't free, and it was 20 euros to get in, male or female. We left. The group made a decision to head to Joy, because it's free entry until 1:30. I was prepared to say goodbye at the metro station, because Joy is way farther away from my apartment than Kapital and I didn't want to have to pay for a taxi to get home. It turns out though that Morgan and Marissa both live at my stop! So we decided to split a taxi ride home. Marissa's flight left at 7 am to return to the States, and her car was picking her up at 3 am, so she wanted to leave Joy around 2:30 at the latest. I said that was fine for me because that's all I can really handle. 

By this point any idea of meeting up with the other USAC people (which had been the original plan) was out the window. It was a lot of fun with just us though, I enjoyed it better than the first time. I was actually enjoying myself and dancing without caring what anyone else thought. For me, that's rare. The club was less crowded too since it was a Thursday instead of a Saturday. They still only played English music instead of Spanish, but they did play one Spanish song just before I headed out. We were able to get a taxi and the ride home wasn't awkward with them, which was surprising. I think all in all, I was a much more outgoing person last night. I was talking to and interacting with them as well as my group, and I was comfortable enough to photo-bomb a photo of Alicia and Jennifer. It was a good night.

Marissa and Morgan aren't the type of people I'm normally attracted to, so if they had been on the USAC program I probably wouldn't have ever talked to them. Because we didn't know each other, though, I was able to essentially "be a different person". They complained about Joy the entire walk from Joy to the taxi, where I didn't say much, because while I'm not necessarily a fan of Joy, I had a lot of fun with my friends. They kept saying how it was lame and the worst Thursday night since they've been in Madrid. This makes me think they're really big partiers, because they've been to Kapital every Thursday since they got here. But I didn't judge, and had a pretty good time. I also heard that someone told Morgan that Pacífico is a sketchy part of Madrid at night. This was interesting to hear. I've never had any problems at night (granted it's not like I go out much), and it seems to be an "older" neighborhood as far as the residents. So I wondered if that was a local who told her that or an American friend. Oh well, I feel safe here. When I was walking home I literally saw three people. One was driving by, and the other two were a couple sitting in a parked car. 

Overall it was a fun night, and I got invited to lunch today with Jennifer and Alicia too! Alicia wants to try fried eggs and French fries, which is apparently a thing here, so we're all okay with that. I don't know what time yet, but probably around one, before the pool party, which I'm so excited for! So until later, goodbye.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mi Experiencia

Now that I have finished with my exams for the first session, I want to talk more about the experience of being here, instead of just my daily "what I'm up to" post. It has certainly been a roller coaster ride for me, with many ups and many downs. When I first got here in Espana, I was super excited for things to start and very nervous about my language skills. Like most students who study abroad, it was hard to adjust the first few weeks. For me, though, it ended up being that I didn't need to adjust to the culture, because truthfully, I wasn't shocked by anything. I needed to adjust to the loneliness of being in a foreign country where English is not the primary language. I had acquaintances from the USAC group, sure, but they weren't friends that I felt comfortable asking to hang out and do stuff with, nor was I invited for a while. I'm not sure what changed, but I'm glad it did.

The trip to Barcelona is still one of the highlights of this trip for me, and my friends were part of what made it so. More than that, though, I needed to adjust to myself and gain some confidence in my skills, both as a person and with the language. I can tell my skills have definitely grown stronger in the language aspect, because I can communicate with the local people on the street and with store owners. Albeit it might not be the most effective way to communicate, nor the most correct, but I am able to get my point across in their language. I have become a lot more confident with myself and my directional abilities while being here in Spain as well. The metro turned out to be super easy, and the streets are mostly all cuadrants, so everything is linked back to one another. I do get lost often, but I am able to find my way on my own after a few tries, which I didn't quite expect to be able to do when I got here. As far as adjusting to myself, it's been a difficult road. I am without a doubt my worst critic, and that has NOT helped me here at all. I doubt my abilities all the time, especially with the language. I doubt my abilities in the classroom too. After te first exam I got back, I'll admit my hopes were shattered. I was warned back at Tech, however, that the grading here is a lot tougher than in the states, and since we're cramming so much information into one month as opposed to one semester, the grade that I got was probably normal. It's not my usual grade though, so I needed to work up my confidence again in order to move forward.

Being here and being so independent has helped to make me a stronger person and it has helped me realize several things:

1) You only live once. This is most noticeable for me in regards to the food. I have tried things here that I would never have tried in the states, or that would have taken several times for me to try. I have decided that I want to experience the culture as normal as possible, so I eat what I am given without asking questions or making judgments before tasting it. Surprisingly (or maybe not), I have really enjoyed everything I have tried except the gazpacho. This just proves to me that I am capable of things I never knew, even of it's just in regards to trying food.

2) I have learned that I can't always expect to be correct, nor should I try to be. Every mistake I have made here, whether it be with the language or with directions, or in my schoolwork, I have learned from it, and many times it has given me a laugh and a memory that I can relive again and again, and be able to laugh at myself because of it.

3) I have learned to "dance". I am not an outgoing person by any means, and it's hard for me to open up to people and make friends. I have forced myself to go out and hang out with people when I didn't want to. This has helped me to become more open with my friends here and has helped me to feel like I fit in more. It has helped me to realize that it's ok if not everyone likes me, because there's people I don't like and it doesn't hurt them at all.

These things are only a small part of what makes being here so amazing. There's so much history here in Spain, and I'm so honored to be able to see it and witness it! When I was in the Sagrada, for example, I was awestruck. It was so humbling to be there, and I felt just so... insignificant? It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. Even being in the parks here in Madrid is breathtaking. When I was in the Rosaleda I was in awe of the beautiful (albeit slightly fried) roses. Nature is so powerful, I was glad to be able to witness it. The royal history here in Madrid is wonderful too. The palacios are incredible, and being able to tour them is so wonderful! I love being here, everything is so picturesque; even the garbage cans are fancy. I hope I continue to have rising feelings throughout my next month here in Spain, because this truly has been a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.

Jueves - 22.28

Well, my exams were today. My first one (composition) was rough. I think I guessed on about half the exam. Hopefully I do better than I’m expecting though. We also FINALLY got our compositions back! My average is a 91.75. Wooh! So that will help bring my grade up. Not that it really matters if I pass. An A is the same as a D for Tech. I went to the library and half studied for my second exam. By half study, I mean I checked Facebook and my email a few times, and then finished my drawing, and then read my notes. It turns out I really didn’t need to study at all anyway. The exam was so easy! It was three short essays, and she literally told us all the main points yesterday. It was awesome. I finished in a half hour.

To reward myself, I ate in the restaurant. Today it was seafood paella, and it was pretty good. I’m not really a big seafood person, and having shells in my food isn’t really a turn on for me. My second plate was calamari and French fries. I squirted lemon over my calamari and it was delicious!  For dessert, I took an apple again, my usual. When I got back to the apartment, I went through some of my things and straightened up. Then I took a nap. It’s just so hot here; I’m not used to it! I feel like I’m melting away. When I woke up from my nap, I was all kinds of sweaty. No me gusta… Then I was on Facebook, uploaded my photos from last night, and checked my email. Pretty standard. 

I also went to Sol to browse souvenir shops. I found a regalo for someone else! I think this person is really going to like it. Plus, every store I went to after that had the same type of thing… for 2 or 3 euros more. I totally got the best deal on it. I also bought a little Spanish flag for myself. I’m excited for it. I know exactly where I’m going to put it too… in the vase I got from Brianna for my last birthday/Christmas on my desk in Houghton. It’s the perfect size! I was excited. I also saw a lot of picture frames that I liked, but didn’t buy. I want to make sure there isn’t one I like better for cheaper somewhere.

When I got back it was just about dinner time. For dinner, it was deep fried calamari again, a smaller, different version of empanadas, and what I think was deep fried mashed potatoes? It tasted like it, but I don’t know what it actually was. Yogurt for dessert. Pilar gets a kick out of it every time she offers me it, because she knows it’s what I pick every time.

I’m going to head out around 11. I’m going to meet up with Julian, Alicia, and Jennifer to go to a club tonight. It’s supposed to be free for women, so I’m hoping it is! I don’t need to be spending more money. I probably won’t say too long either if it’s anything like Joy. But it should be fun to go and hang out with people again. I’ll post on how it goes.

Tomorrow I’m going to hit up Templo de Debod and take lots of photos! Hopefully it’s air conditioned, but I seriously doubt it. Then at 5 I’m going to a pool party!! I’m SO excited for that! It’s at Alicia’s intercambio’s place. I don’t know how many people will be there, I’m hoping not too many, but if there’s a pool, I won’t be too picky haha. Then Saturday I’m tagging along with Alicia for whatever she’s going to do for the Gay Pride Festival here in Madrid. It’s supposed to be a big deal, so I may bring my camera. But that’s it for now!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miércoles - 22.58

Well. That was not what I expected. First, I met with a group to get tapas and drinks before the game. We went to a place David knew about that was one drink and a tapa for 2 euros. It turns out that every Wednesday, everything is one euro. So I got myself two sandwiches to start. I got a smoked salmon and a calamari sandwich. They were so delicious! Well worth the euro. Then in order to buy just a drink, it's two euros, not one. So I split a deal with Alicia so I could get another sandwich and she could get another Sangria. This time I got a number 95, which Alicia recommended. It was a chicken and bacon sandwich, with melted cheese, onion, and a barbecue sauce. It was really good. Then a bit later on, three of them wanted to get drinks, but they didn't want the sandwich, so I said I'd eat it, and boom, I got a free sandwich. It was a number 95 again. They were mini sandwiches too, it probably would have taken Jason and Ryan about ten each to fill them up.

(I always forget to take a photo before eating!)

Then we said goodbye to Kristen and Brendan, who both went home, not to the game. I got face painted at the bar, it was a stick paint that had two red stripes and a yellow in between for the Spanish flag. I'll post a photo of that too. The metro to get to the game was pretty busy too, crowded. It was fun though, everyone kept shouting things about España and how we're gonna win. Very spirited. When we got off the metro station (which was way far away!), there were more people everywhere. It was so crazy! Most people were in jerseys, but a lot of the girls were just in black or white tank tops. So I didn't stand out too badly. People were wearing the Spanish flag as capes, waving blow up sticks, wearing crazy hats, it was pretty fun.

 (Leah and I with face paint! I limited mine to my face haha)

It turns out that when David said "watch the game", he meant on a monitor outside the stadium. It would have been fine too, except there were literally people everywhere. We were all shoulder to shoulder, nose to ponytail. When you add the heat with that, it's an awful combination, because it becomes sweaty shoulder to shoulder. My own sweat I can deal with, but other people's... not so much. Plus a lot of people in Madrid smoke, so add that into a third of the crowd. It was a fun experience, but it also had it's downsides. It was really hard to see the monitor too. People don't go there to watch the game, they go for the experience of crazy cheering fans and being social. Since I'm not really a soccer fan anyway, it was perfect for me. I will admit, I left early though. I couldn't handle people touching me, and I was SO thirsty! I didn't bring water with me because there's guards checking bags at the entrance to the monitor area. But I was fine with that, by leaving early I was able to avoid a crazy, packed metro ride.

It took me about forty five minutes to get home, since the stadium is at the top of Madrid, and I live at the bottom. My line was pretty empty though (and air conditioned!), so I didn't mind. The first thing I did when I got back to the apartment was to drink two bottles of water. Then I was able to shower, since Pilar is awake in the living room, watching the game with Monica and Maria Teresa. It felt so good to get clean! Then I drank more water when I got out. I wanted to write this now too, while it's fresh in my mind. I'm glad I went. It was a good experience, and I got to pretend to be a crazy soccer fan haha. 

Miércoles - 18.05

I got to campus really early today, seeing as how I didn't have class until 12:25. I got there at my normal time and read the chapter in the book for my culture class outside on one of the benches. I want to enjoy the outdoors while it's not scorching hot. After I read that chapter, though, I headed to the library to be able to use a desk. I first translated/read the last two chapters of my book for my composition class. I can now officially say I have read (and understand) and entire book en Español! It's really cool to be able to say that. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

(The library at the university, both sides of the stairs)

After the library, I headed to the Reprografia to pay for my final paper to be printed. I didn't want to forget and not have anything to turn in tomorrow. That would be bad. I returned to the library after that to really look over my notes for my composition class. I understand most of it, but I'm not sure how I'll do on the exam, because I don't have all of it memorized. I'm really scared for this final, because if I fail, I've just wasted thousands of dollars. Much more than if I had just taken the class in Houghton. But I'm still hoping that my composition grades (all four of them) are high enough to bring my grade to at least a D, even if I fail the last exam tomorrow, which I don't think I will. Oh well, I'll just have to hope I'm lucky tomorrow I suppose. After about an hour of studying, I headed to the USAC office. I had gotten an email saying we could get our course information for next session.

I like my schedule next session better, Monday through Friday I'll have class from 9.00 to 11.20 again, but my second class will be from 11.30 to 12.15, instead of starting at 12.25. Then on Monday's and Wednesday's I'll have my cinema class from 12.30 to 14.20. Plus, I already have the book for my cinema class, there is no book for the conversation class, and Alicia said I could borrow hers for the Art class. Ya-hoo! No more books for me! Hopefully I like all of my classes next session too, I'm expecting them to be easier than my composition class, it's hard right now! There's so much grammar to remember... I headed up to class after I left the office.

Class went well for the last day. It was nearly all review, which was good. I think I'm pretty set for that exam, but I'm going to look over my notes after my first exam before my culture one. Someone also asked about our paper, which apparently was supposed to be double spaced. I asked if it was okay if it wasn't double spaced, since I already had printed mine and didn't want to spend another 10 cents for another copy. Everyone seemed shocked that I had managed to get two pages of material single spaced. I guess I managed to make myself look like an over achiever without even meaning to. Oh well, it's the quality that counts, not the quantity. Hopefully mine has quality.

After class I went to the supermarket to buy meself a sandwich. I got the chicken and cheese wrap again, and sat on a bench just outside to eat it. When I left the supermarket it was lightly sprinkling. It was a warm rain, I liked it. It wasn't hard enough to hurt my wrap, so I didn't bother moving to shade. As I was eating, I read the package to see if I knew the ingredients. Most of them I knew, some I didn't. I also read the instructions. Apparently you're supposed to cook it first. Whoops. But the chicken's already cooked, so it's probably just to melt the cheese. I don't feel sick after I eat it cold, so I don't worry about it. Then I headed back to the apartment. I checked my email again before grabbing my camera and heading out. A few days ago, I read online that there's a Rosaleda (rose garden) in Retiro park, so I decided I was going to find it.

I did, it was much closer to my entrance than I had thought. Because of the heat that's been here the past week, most of the roses were dying, or already wrinkled up. I did get some pretty good photos though, and it was beautiful! Especially with the fountains on either side of the garden. It was pretty big too, I'd say about the size of Grandpa's garden, maybe a little bit bigger? That's just an idea of how GIANT Retiro Park is (for those of you that have seen Grandpa's garden). It was sunny too, so the water from the fountains was sparkling, and the flowers were all very vibrant in color. It was a wonderful study break.

(Red and Buff roses!!)

(One of the fountains, and me just outside the Rosaleda)

After the park, I came home. It's SO hot here! My dress is all sweaty and I'm all sweaty. I don't like it! I'm melting... but when I got back, I got on Facebook to upload my photos from today, and I also posted in the Facebook group for the second summer session that I want to sell my books to someone who needs them for the second session. Hopefully I get a taker, since none of my regular places (online) are buying them back at all. I'll have to wait and see though. Wish me luck with that, it could give me food money!! After posting, I went back to studying. Not much fun.

After a bit of studying, I changed into my yellow tank top and stuffed my front pockets with my money and ID, because I'm heading out to a fútbol game. If Madrid loses tonight, they're done playing, so it might be my last chance to see a game, that's why I'm going. It's Madrid versus Portugal, and both teams wear red, so I'm not too upset that I don't own red clothing lol. I figured yellow was the best alternative. We're planning on going out for tapas before the game (and the guy heading it up said it was only 2 euros so I hope he's right!). He also said he had face paint, so I'm not quite sure what to expect... I heard it gets pretty crazy there with the fans. If they don't like me not wearing red, then I'll let them paint my face or something. But I'm not bringing my purse today because I know it'll be crazy crowded, and I don't wanna run the risk of being pick-pocketed. Hopefully tonight is all positive experiences. I'm going to bring my camera too, so hopefully all's well with that. I can keep both hands on it this time since I don't need to keep one on my purse!

I'm not sure if I'll post again tonight, I might just crash since exams are in the morning. So until my next post, hasta luego!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Martes - 21.29

I woke up early again today, and got to campus early. I was able to sit outside, because it was warm enough! I started a sketch in my sketch book too, it feels so good to draw again! Class took my mood way down, we learned still more things! I'm not sure that I'll be able to do well on this exam, and I don't know if I can count on my compositions to pull my grade up... I just have to hope for the best and hope that I have extra good luck on Thursday. Between classes I sat outside (it was so nice out today!) and edited my last composition. I am officially done with homework for that class. I just need to read/translate the book for the exam, and then study for the exam. I'm not worried about the book part, and if it's included in the exam grade, I'm completely okay with that. I also went to the Reprografia, which is the printing room on campus to pick up the boarding pass for my flight to Bilbao this weekend. So exciting!

My second class cheered me up, because I like the professor so much. She was making jokes and everything today. I finished my paper, so now all I need to do is pay attention in the review tomorrow, and do well on the exam.

After class, I headed to the restaurante. It was a bad morning for me, so I figured I deserved some comfort food. Below is what I got. My starter was a rice with corn, peas, egg, and I think something else, but I was unable to identify it. It was so delicious! I ate every last bite of it, and then I couldn't believe I ate it all! My main course was empanadas, and I gave the guy a laugh when I asked for them by name. I pronounced it wrong. A USAC girl that sat with us said she thought what I said means "hair-do". Yeah, that would give me a laugh too. But it was close enough and he corrected my pronunciation with a laugh, so I didn't feel too stupid. It was served with french fries. I took the apple for later, slipping it into my bag among my books.

When I got home, I finished writing my paper. I then edited it and formatted it, and emailed it to the Reprografia, so I can pick it up tomorrow before class, and then have it ready to turn it in on Thursday. I allowed myself to take a small nap after, since it was too hot to go running yet. When I woke up, I took my time getting changed, and then headed out. I will say this, being at this home-stay in Spain taught me something unexpected. I am so not ready to have kids ANYTIME soon. I can't deal with their constant screaming and whining. I'm sure when I have my own I'll be able to put up with it and I'll love them and everything, but other people's kids, nope. I don't wanna have anything to do with them. Carlitos was screaming about something again today, and yesterday when Monica was cutting his hair, it was like she was scalping him with all the screaming! But I was able to escape for my run.

It was so hot out, I was sweating after my eight minute (yes I timed it) walk to the park today. I did my regular ten minutes, which is a piece of cake compared to when I started, and then stopped in my regular shady, grassy area for abs and push-ups. I got sweat on my sunglasses. It was not too pleasant. I skipped my five minute cool down because it was just too hot. On the TV at dinner today they said that today was the highest temperature on record for Andalusia (south Spain) for the past 100 years! It showed 44 degrees, which is 112 Fahrenheit. It doesn't seem that warm by looking at the number, but I'm sure it's killer! Pilar said today was abnormally warm for Madrid too. When I got back, the first thing I did was take a shower. I turned the water to cold, and it was cold for a few minutes, then it turned warm, then cold again. It was weird, I would expect it to get cold when I put it on hot, but not the other way around. After that, I came and sat in my room, which now felt cool compared to outside and the humidity of the bathroom, and ate my apple from lunch.

I then chatted with Brandon on g-mail, and it was awesome. He always knows how to cheer me up. I also read/translated three and a half chapters! I felt rather productive. Then I was called to dinner. Today it was a soup first. I'm not sure what it was, and I didn't ask. It was a puree of some sort, it kind of tasted like carrots, but it might have been a type of squash? I'm not sure. It tasted good. The second part was tortilla de patata con cebollas (potato tortilla with onions). It was delicious. Pilar said it was very typical of Spain, and she kind of looked surprised when I asked what it was. I'm not sure if that was because I asked what it was, or because I didn't know what it was. But I asked! I felt proud of myself. 

Now I'm going to tackle a few more chapters before tomorrow, so I can get to campus at my regular time and study before my culture class. Wish me luck for Thursday, I'm going to need it!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lunes - 22.12

Today was boring, hot, and semi-productive. Class was the same ole, same ole, but I got to campus earlier than normal today, because I left earlier. I was able to go to the USAC office and get my deposit from the La Mancha field trip back, and fill out the evaluation form. We didn’t get our compositions back, not that I’m expecting them anymore. I’m just going to assume I’m doing well on them, or he would tell me to step it up. Anyways, I found out we don’t have class on Wednesday, so I only have one more class to go! Then the exam on Thursday…

I went to the supermarket after class, around 11:30, and bought another 1.10 euro sandwich. I also bought another jar of Nutella, but with disappointment, as they no longer have the Madagascar ones. Poor Melvin, he’s the only character I didn’t get to enjoy. But I was able to get more, just in a boring glass jar. In addition, I bought travel packs of tissues. I only wanted like two or three, but the SMALLEST pack they had was of ten! It was only a euro though, so I bought it. I think I have allergies here, or I always have a cold, because my nose is always either runny, or stuffed up. I got tired of using toilet paper, and the pack I came with is now gone. Plus, it’ll be helpful when I travel and the bathrooms don’t have toilet paper, like in La Mancha. Talk about disappointing. The last thing I bought was a bag of peanuts. All this for about five euros. I handed the woman my 100, and she didn’t even look upset. She called someone else over to make sure it was real, which it was, and then gave me change. It was that easy! So I ate my sandwich as I walked back to the metro. It was really early compared to normal lunchtime here, but I didn’t care.

When I got back to the apartment, I was melting. It’s SO hot out today! There’s very little breeze too, especially indoors. My room here is definitely the warmest, as Monica warned me when I moved in. So I lay on the bed all day. I read/translated two chapters of my book for class, and then I rewarded myself with a nap. When I woke up, I did another chapter, and rewarded myself with a banana. It was so yummy! I did about half another chapter before I gave up and got online. I’m glad I did though, because Brandon was online! We chatted until he had to go to a meeting at work and I had dinner not long after.

Dinner was a hamburger and some papas fritas (fries). The burger had lettuce, ketchup, and tomatoes. I didn't want to pick the tomatoes off when Monica and Pilar were right there, so I ate them. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either, I couldn't really taste them, which was fine by me. Pilar didn't eat with me, but Monica did. We talked a little, mostly about travel and food. She asked if I liked Spain's food, and I said very much. I also told her there was a soup I had here that I really liked with frijoles (beans). She asked if they were a brown color, and I said yes. She then asked Pilar, who told us the name, but alas! I cannot remember it! She knows I like it a lot, so maybe she'll make it again, in which case I can ask for the name and the recipe. Monica also asked if I liked fish or meat better, and I answered meat, truthfully. She said she liked chicken a lot, and I told her it was my favorite in the US. So that was my dinner.

Overall, a pretty boring day when I sum it up, but I enjoyed it. Tomorrow I'll hopefully read more of the book, finish my paper for my culture final, and get out of the apartment for a run, and maybe some social interaction. We shall see. I'm also working on another regalo! It's turning out really well, Pilar and Monica both saw it when they called me to dinner, and they said "que bonito!" (how pretty) over and over again. I'm thinking about making them one to say "thanks for letting me stay here and for feeding me" haha. I'm not sure what to do yet, but I'll think on it. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll take it to campus tomorrow and work on it in the courtyard on the grass, in the sun, or probably in the shade, since it'll probably be very warm again. But I'll wait and see.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Domingo - 18.15

Ah, well today's been a nice, boring day. I slept in today until 8:30, when I got up. I then took my time to get ready and eat my breakfast. I wanted to go to El Rastro this morning as well, and I moseyed on over. I didn't stay long this week, though. I had three euros in change, and then a 100 euro bill. I didn't think any of the vendors would have change for that, and I didn't think it was smart to ask and attract attention to the fact that I had a 100 bill in my pocket. So I just looked around, while still looking for any larger businesses that were open. The only places were restaurants, and I didn't want to go ask them without buying anything. I'm either going to stop into a bank tomorrow or buy my 1.10 euro sandwich and hope they have change at a supermarket. Wish me luck!

Anyway, after the Rastro, I came straight back to the apartment. I did my email and Facebook run before taking a nap. I woke up before too long, and got changed for running. I hadn't gotten my sports bra back yet, but I was the only one home, so I walked into the laundry room. Luckily, it was hanging right in front of me - literally, on a circular clothes hanger. I unpinned it (it was dry) and headed back to my room. Then I stretched and ate some crackers before heading out to Retiro. I did my normal ten minute run, but I had taken a different route, and got lost. Luckily I had nowhere to be until 7pm, so I was able to be lost for another five hours. I stopped to do my abs and push-ups in a different spot this time, though still in a shady patch of grass. Then I did my five minute cool down while trying to find my entrance. After my cool down, I realized my headband was no longer on my head. It is somewhere lying in Retiro. I'll miss that little guy, may it rest in peace. When I finally made it out, I headed home. It only took me an extra twenty minutes. On my little detour to my entrance, I ran into this penguin! He's all dressed for a day at the office! It made me think of Brandon again, like all the penguins here in Madrid.

When I got back, I didn't have an apple, so I settled for my banana. It was still delicious. I then went and took a shower. I don't know if it was allowed since Pilar was napping, but it was over 100°s out today, so I was pretty sweaty and craving a shower. I could still hear snoring when I got out, so I think I was quiet enough. Then for the next two hours I did homework. I attempted to read more of my Spanish book, but gave up pretty quickly. Then I started my final paper for my culture class. I'm about halfway done writing, I just need to edit it before turning it in on Thursday. I had some peanuts for lunch, and then washed out my Nutella jar that I had finished before my run. I was able to get the label off this one with water, so I may do that with the first one too. We'll see.

After that I got to Skype mom and dad! It was good, it lasted for three rounds of a half hour. The first time mom's battery died, then the second time we lost internet connection. But we persevered. Between the time we said goodbye and the time I was told dinner was done, I worked on my paper some more. It went pretty well, I'm now half way done. I'm not sure if I'm doing it completely right, but I'm following the instructions (which are pretty vague). I should probably ask in class on Tuesday...

Dinner was delicious. It was definitely a lasagna this time. Not as thick as I'm used to at home. I was also able to take a picture since Pilar wasn't in the room again. She was in the living room on the phone. Anyway, it had a creamy cheese over the top, so yummy, served with a slice of bread. Below is the photo.

After dinner I Skyped Brandon, or tried to for a while. My internet connection was apparently really bad, we tried 10+ times, the longest short call lasting 41seconds :( I cried a little inside. But we finally got it to work after I logged out and then back in again! I was excited. I showed him my Madagascar cups. It was fun. Now I'm bout to go to bed, because I don't wanna be tired for class. Jorge doesn't like that much, he calls on those people extra. So I pretend to be awake and drink lots of agua. But until tomorrow, goodnight!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sábado - 21.00

Today was Aranjuez, Puerto Lápice, and Consuegra. All I think are considered La Mancha. The bus left at the same time as my first class, so I got up at the usual time and got to campus at the usual time. I was able to take pictures of the metro sign at Vicálvaro, the one right by campus. This caused both Gabriela and Alvaro (our chaperones and program directors) to comment on how nice my camera was. There were only 26 of us today, much less than Toledo. It was an hour ride to Aranjuez. Here, we saw the Palacio Real de Aranjuez (Royal Palace of Aranjuez). This palace was much smaller than the one in Madrid, because it was only a “spring home” for the royal family. It was still as gorgeous though. No photos allowed here either. Alicia, Julian, Jennifer, Irene and I all ended up in the English tour, though we all wanted to take the Spanish one this time. So did everyone else. The group was twice the size of the English one, so we switched. Our tour guide, while very knowledgeable, was pretty boring. I really enjoy history, but that was a bit too much history for me. I wanted to know about the palace and the rooms, but she seemed to talk mostly about the paintings that were on the wall. But it was still cool to see the palace. After that, we were given free time to go through the gardens and see a small part of the town.

I went with Alicia and Jennifer to explore. We went to the Island Garden first, which wasn’t very impressive, then to the main garden, which was beautiful. We took a lot of photos here. Then, we went to get Frescas con Nata (strawberries and cream), since Aranjuez is known for their strawberries. Alicia and Jennifer split one, and I had one of their strawberries. It was pretty good, but it was just like the ones in the US, not too spectacular; so said Alicia and Jennifer. I haven’t had enough in either country to be able to judge. But the whipped cream was yummy. We then went to some touristy shops along the way. I didn’t buy anything, but I was super jealous of Jennifer’s purchase. It was a photo album, handmade from 100% recycled material and paper. It was SO pretty. It had little blue paper flowers on it, and instead of the plastic inserts for photos, it had photo corners. It was beautiful. They only had one and it was a bit expensive for me anyway though. After that we headed back to the bus. We were early, so we stepped into another store very near the bus. There were two things here that I liked, but didn’t buy. One was another half mug, saying “I only have enough money left for half a mug” again, and then a plate that had different colors, almost metallic. But I wouldn’t know what to do with it.

It was another hour to Puerto Lápice, where we ate lunch at La Venta de Don Quijote (Don Quixote’s Inn). It was so good! We had four dishes of “regional food” to share with the table (which had 4 seats, but my table only had three people). The first was Queso Manchego, which was fried sheep’s cheese. It was actually REALLY good, and it made me think of Brandon and how much he would like it. The second was Migas de Pastor, which were fried breadcrumbs with sausage, garlic, grapes, and bacon. It was also pretty darn delicious. The third and fourth arrived at the same time. One was Pisto Manchego, braised vegetables. It was exactly like salsa, and delicious. The other was Duelos y Quebrantos, which was scrambled eggs with ham, chorizo, and bacon. It was also delicious. Jennifer, who was at my table along with Kristen, suggested eating the eggs with the salsa. It was also delicious.

Queso Manchego                             Migas de Pastor
Duelos y Quebrantos                           Pisto Manchego     

We had assumed that was all we were getting, because that was all that was listed in our information packet for this trip. Then the waiters brought us chicken legs. They were huge! We were all surprised that we got more food! Haha it was funny to see the looks on people’s faces, mine too probably. I will say though, it was probably the best chicken I have ever had in my entire life. I couldn’t make myself stop eating it, even though I was so full! To top it off, we got dessert too! It was a small fried dough thing, with a scoop of ice cream. It was a perfect end to the meal.

After that we headed to Consuegra. Here, we stopped to see the  molinos de viento (windmills) first. They were really cool, we were dropped off at the last one and walked to the castle, which was after seven windmills. We took lots of photos here too, including a group photo. Someone asked who had the best camera to take it, and Julian said mine. Sarah (another girl on the trip), said both Sara(h)'s have the Nikon D3000, but I said I had the 3100. So it is now official that I have the most advanced camera. They didn't use mine though, they used like four other digital ones, so I don't have a copy of it until someone posts it on Facebook.

We then went to see the Castillo (castle). This was really cool, because it hasn't been transformed into a museum, so it's all original. We got to explore on our own, so I really explored. I somehow got way ahead of the group, so there was no one around me. It allowed me to get some really nice photos of the rooms. This also meant I went down the tower by myself. A little scary, I'm not gonna lie, but it was totally awesome! I'm pretty sure I've been down a spiral tower before, though I'm not sure where... Anyway, this one was cool. I took photos of the rooms, taking dad's advice to lean against something, because the rooms were all really dark. Some of my photos turned out, others not. Fortunately I took so many that I had duplicates of many things. I'm so glad I went! There was then a two hour bus ride back to Madrid. Most people slept. Surprisingly, I only dozed off for about twenty minutes.

When we got back, everyone headed home. I then did some emails, uploaded my photos to Facebook, and started writing this blog! I was going to go running, but my running clothes (including my sports bra) are all in the wash, so I guess I'll take today off and go tomorrow, since I'm not planning on doing anything spectacular during the day. I don't have an apple for today anyway haha. Then I had dinner here at the apartment. I wasn't even hungry, I ate SO much at lunch! I felt bad not eating though, since Pilar had made it. So I ate it all. It was spaghetti with corkscrew noodles, and a breaded chicken breast. There was also a plate of potato chips that we shared. I only ate about four. They didn't have enough salt for me. The crunch was good with the noodles though.

Now I'm going to finish my composition four, and then shower. After that, either bed, or start to read my book for my final exam. It depends on how tired I am by then. Tomorrow I am DEFINITELY going running! I can't believe how much food I packed into my stomach today, my poor system is going to be working it's little heart out to digest all of it! So until then, adiós mi familia y amigos!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Viernes - 22.45

Class today was pretty good. Today was the first day since I've been here that I didn't wear my watch. I decided to be feminine and wear my bracelet with my skirt instead. I found myself tilting my wrist many times today to check the time, only to see a little owl charm staring back at me. But it might have helped class go by faster. At the end, he put us in groups and we had to write a short play to preform in front of class. Since my group had 3 girls and one guy, someone suggested that the three of us be friends who had all recently met a guy. The guy in our group was dating all three of us. It was really funny, and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

After class, I went to talk to Susan in the office about the abono joven for the metro in July. This is the first time it's this type of card, which is why there have been so many hiccups, so since we were the first three to get ours, I figured Susan would want to see them and read the letter that came with it (since I can't understand it fully). She appreciated that a lot. She also made a photocopy of the instructions that came with the card. So I felt helpful for the day. I then ate my banana on the way to the metro. It was delicious.

Then I came home, and had a wonderfully boring day. I chatted with momma on Facebook, and then took a four hour nap. I'm not sure if I was so tired because I didn't get home until 2:30 this morning, or if it was a combination of that and how busy I've been this week. Probably both. Anyway, I didn't eat lunch, I napped through it, so I ate some peanuts and then some crackers and Nutella for a snack when I woke up. I also fixed my third composition that I got back today in class for Tuesday's homework and did the worksheet that's our homework for Monday. I even started the fourth composition, which is also due Monday. I couldn't finish it, because the theme is "Diary of the Weekend", and since this weekend hasn't happened yet, I could only talk about Thursday and Friday. I wrote in my paper that Thursday is like a part of the weekend where I'm from. Which is true, since all weekend activities at Tech start Thursday. But all I have to do is talk about La Mancha tomorrow, and then whatever I end up doing Sunday, including Skyping the people I love most! Throughout the entire time I was writing my compositions, Carlitos was screaming. It was not fun, so I wasn't sure how Pilar was mood-wise.

After the homework though I spent some time on my computer, and then took another nap. I'm just sooo tired! This nap was only half an hour though. Then I attended dinner. It was like having a three course meal! There was the same soup as a few days ago (that looks like Campbell's condensed chicken noodle without the chicken) with a piece of bread. Then there was... how do I describe it... it looked like lasagna, but instead of noodles on the top and bottom, it was a type of breading? In the middle there was no cheese, it was ground beef, onions, peppers, (probably more) in a type of what I think was tomato sauce? Haha mom's right, I will never be able to be a food critic because I don't know food! But it was delicious. I had my standard yogurt for dessert. Pilar was in the kitchen putting away dishes and folding laundry on the balcony, so we spoke a bit, but not too much. I told her I had photos from my life in the US, and she said of course she wanted to see them.

I finished eating and brought my laptop into the kitchen, where I then showed her. Finally, right? There were 18 photos I showed her. The first was of Brianna and I in our cap and gowns at Baccalaureate so she could see my best friend. Then I showed her our family photo from the cruise, the one where we're all dressed really spiffy in our formal wear. She said mom and dad were very young, so there you go mom! She also was surprised to see how dark my hair was. Then there was another photo of mom and dad where you could see them better on the cruise (where she again said how young mom and dad looked), and I showed her the photo of dad frolfing, when one of his discs was in the water. Pilar knew what Frisbee-ing was, so I just left it at that. I didn't really explain the game, since it would be difficult in Spanish. Then there was a photo of Jason at the frolf park, and then Jason, Ryan, and Brandon at the park.

 Pilar was surprised that I had a boyfriend, and then she asked if I missed him. I said of course! She also said two months will go by fast, and so far it has. There were then two photos of just Brandon and I, two of all my AGD sisters, and then one of our Carnival statue from last year. Pilar was very surprised to see all the snow, and I was able to explain to her that each year there's a Carnaval del Invierno (Winter Carnival), where we take all the snow we get and make snow statues. She said it was very intricate and beautiful. I'll have to tell my sisters that. I also told her I was the one that made the trees and she was excited about that. The next photo was of Sonya and I wearing numbered vests for snowboarding. I explained that in addition to the statues, there's smaller games as well. I also included the photo to show her Sonya, my best friend up at school. There was another of Sonya, Jack, and I at the Wisconsin State Fair. Then the last three were some of my drawings. Pilar was very impressed, and said they were all beautiful. One was of a gymnast at the Olympics, and I explained that I was a gymnast when I was younger. Pilar said she could tell because of my body. So I must be maintaining it well! The last was my drawing of Taylor Swift, and I explained she was my favorite singer. I must have drawn it well enough, because Pilar said she looked very pretty.

So that was my excitement for the day. I like being able to practice my Spanish. Well, I mean that's good because it's what I'm here for! It's also easier to understand her. She asked if it was difficult to find work in the US, and I said it depended on what field of work it was. She said it was hard here for all fields. She said Monica works little because it's hard to find work, but I think she said Monica is a teacher? Or something close to it. She also said it was hard because her and their father were divorced after 22 years of marriage, 8 years ago because they didn't get along. That was about all I understood, but I think she might have said what she does and what Maria Teresa does as well, I just missed it. I guess that's a conversation for another day! But I finally showed her the photos, so I'm proud of myself!

And that was my day today. Tomorrow morning I leave for La Mancha and Castilla at 9, and I won't get back until 7:30. I'm planning on getting back, eating dinner, and maybe finish up my composition four, talking about Sunday as if it already happened. It shouldn't be too hard, all I'm doing for sure is Skype, though I may go to el Rastro again for about an hour this time, and some more homework. Maybe photography. But it doesn't matter what I write anyway, Jorge has no way of knowing if it's true or not, so as long as it's close it'll be fine. So I'll post tomorrow after I return to Madrid!

Viernes - 12.18

My Thursday Night:

I am not sure what I ate for dinner last night. It was spaghetti noodles with sauteed garlic and olive oil, and it was delicious. The part I'm not sure about was interesting. They looked like grey and white noodles, but I kind of think they were some type of fish, like a calamari or squid or something? It had a different texture than the noodles too, which in addition to the color is what made me wonder. But I ate it anyway because it tasted good. Pilar didn't eat with me, she took a phone call in the living room, so I didn't ask.

Immediately after dinner I headed out. I was fifteen minutes late, but Brendan was the only other one that showed up. It actually turned out better that way, I think. He's the only one in my group of American friends that really tries to speak Spanish with the rest of us, and since we were going to a local club to meet Karina, I wanted it to be a Spanish night. Plus there were only two of us, so it made it much easier to plan when to leave, where to go, etc. We got to the place alright around 10:45 I think, and Karina was waiting for us at the door, which was really nice. I was excited to see her again. The place was pretty cool too, the first floor was like a ritzy bar, maybe more of a restaurant? The downstairs was where the stage was set up, in addition to a bar and some couches. There was incense burning somewhere, and it smelled good. We were able to talk with Karina for about ten to fifteen minutes before the show actually started, and it was nice because I was able to get my point across, while still saying things incorrectly. Brendan was also able to talk with her (since his Spanish is better than mine), which helped give me more time to think of how to say things.

(Karina and I!)

The show was pretty awesome. We were introduced to William, Karina's friend that's in the band and told her about last night. I did the whole air kisses thing for the first time in a while and I have to say, it's still pretty awkward for me. He was the flute player and one of the drum players. The music, Karina said, was a mixture between Colombian and African. I thought it was really cool, I actually really liked it. The instruments were different than what I'm used to (obviously) and they sang in SPANISH! Finally I got to hear a real Spanish band! They only sang part of one song in English, and the only phrase I caught was "We are the children of the rising sound". That's only because it was slow and in English. When their main singer was singing some songs, it reminded me very much of Madagascar. I think it's the lemurs that sing, but they sing really fast with the same rhythm as the singer last night. Plus it was a different language, so it sounded that much cooler. Brendan took some photos, and below is one of the band (Sonora Mandinga).

I have to say, I liked this club and the atmosphere WAY better than I liked going to Joy. This was much more my style, low key and original, as opposed to everything being flashy and loud with American songs and wall to wall people. This club, Tempo Club, it was called, was way smaller, but there were only about fifteen people on the dance floor. Plus, only like three were men, which was such a relief! It was more like a party with friends than a club with strangers, even though I didn't know anyone there other than Karina and Brendan. Plus the music is way easier to dance to than American music. It's got a much better beat that I actually semi-danced to. I'm sure I was still the awkward turtle out there, but at least I had fun. I also noticed that locals are much more trusting of other locals, or at least the institutions here. Karina had her bag against the wall where we were dancing, and when she got a phone call, she left the room to hear better, without thinking about her bag. No one messed with it either, which I thought was really cool. Her friend was the one that called, and he came to the club to join us.

His name is Alejandro (no idea if I spelled that right) and he and Karina studied abroad in Brasil together. So he also knows Spanish and Portuguese. Plus it turns out he's an intercambio with a student from another foreign exchange group like USAC with a student from California, so he knows English as well. I feel like such a slacker compared to these people! But I was actually able to understand everything he said, which surprised me. When I said I was from Michigan, he asked about Detroit and asked if it was a pretty city. (He likes the Pistons.) I laughed and said not so much. He also invited Brendan to go rock climbing on an artificial wall, so I think I might try and tag along since Karina might go and I love rock climbing. Plus Alejandro is going through Karina, who's going through me, who's telling Brendan, so I'll know the details anyway haha.

Overall, it was an absolutely amazing experience for me, I want to go to more places like that and less places like Joy. I don't think Brendan liked it quite as much though, not his style. We left around 12:30. We ended up going to an alimentacion store (like a gas station without the gas) for Alejandro and Karina to buy some sangria, and I'll admit, I broke down a bit and bought myself a Fanta. It's the first soda I've had here in Spain. Everywhere I go, I get water (which is actually more expensive in some places). Then we went and sat in the grass at Plaza de España, near the metro stop, and talked for a while. It was all in Spanish, and this is another point when I was really glad no one other than Brendan showed up, because it would have been too hard to try and carry on a conversation. There were only a few times when I needed to ask Brendan or Karina to translate something for me. I feel like I'm actually starting to improve with my language skills! Finally, it's only been three weeks. I also felt better when Karina or Alejandro asked how to say something in English.

There were two girls on a bench about fifteen feet away from us who were obviously drinking, and they were singing American songs, like "Call me Maybe", and "Teenage Dream". Alejandro asked if I knew the songs, and I said "of course". It was really interesting to hear them sing the songs with their accents though. I kinda liked it. It was fun. I then asked Karina and Alejandro if a lot of people in Spain know English, or they just know words in English. For example, there are SO many t-shirts here in English. There was one overweight older woman wearing a too-tight black shirt with the sequined words, "I will be a future star" when we were eating churros a few days ago. It made me wonder if she actually knew what it said or just liked the way it looked. There was also a pretty young kid in the metro with a shirt that said something along the lines of "Sugar Daddy", and I wondered if he knew what it meant as well. Anyway, they said most of the younger generation knows English pretty well, but not to the extent of being fluent. So that answered my question.

I wanted to leave at about 1:15 so we could catch the metro to head back, since it closes at 1:30, but I couldn't get away in time. We could get into the metro, but there were no more trains. We tried to find the night buses, but we never found the station. We ended up in an area Brendan knew, so he said he could walk home. I finally just took a taxi. I don't like the taxi's here. I always get ripped off. When I get into the cab, the meter is never at zero, so I have to pay for time I wasn't even in the car. Plus the one I was in last night added money so quickly! I felt my heart slowly sink and I died a little inside as I handed over the money. I actually didn't have him take me to my apartment, I had him drop me off several blocks away, because I wasn't willing to pay more, and I knew where I was. So I paid him and got out as fast as I could. I got back just fine, no incident. I then quickly fell asleep.