Friday, July 27, 2012

Viernes - 23.59

Last night was awesome. It stormed. I mean a real storm, with thunder and lightning, and rain! Not the little "sprinkle for a few minutes rain" either. It was awesome, and the temperature got down to 68! I had my balcony doors open. It stopped raining around midnight though, so I had to shut my balcony door because there were people (very loud people) in the courtyard. I still didn't sleep too well, but at least I was in a good mood. I have my art class at the Reina Sofia museum today, so I got to sleep in too. I still woke up before my alarm, but it wasn't too much before. I then ate breakfast, made my bed, and while I was waiting for the deodorant to dry, I updated my planner. Then I got dressed. Pilar wasn't home and Monica was sleeping, so I borrowed the broom to sweep my floor. It really needed it.

Then I drew, or started drawing, a picture for a thank you card for my home stay family. I headed out for my conversation class a bit early and got there a bit early. Today was a bit different though, because there were protesters! According to Alicia, who I later talked to, they've been there all week, but I only just saw them today. It was kind of sad, only about fifteen or twenty of them in the street with signs and noisemakers. When I was leaving the metro I honestly thought it was a car alarm. Imagine my surprise! I could read one sign too, "No a los recortos" (No to the cutbacks). It was pretty interesting. Class, though, was like normal. Nothing much to report. After class I headed home. On the metro ride, my long one, a woman at next to me and she was chewing and smacking her gum very loudly. That is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve. I wanted to smack her. I didn't, of course. I was glad when we it off. When I got back I stopped into the fruit market on the corner and bought two delicious looking apples. I then ate one as I sat on my bed in the apartment. I tried to get online through wi-fi, of course it's still not working. Instead I finished my thank you drawing and then I took a short nap. I got up in time to get the Reina Sofia museum early.

Class was decent, though I like this type of art (Picasso, Dalí, Miró) less than earlier painters. We had four presentations today, which finished up our session. Now I am official done with classes, all I have left is exams on Monday! After class I headed back to the apartment. I eventually ended up sleeping, again. When I woke up, I listened to some music on my phone, which I've only been doing this week, curiously. Then I was called to dinner. I ate alone, since Pilar had friends over and was planning on eating with them. It's the first time Ive seen them use the dining table in the living room. My dinner was the noodle soup again, and a piece of tortilla patata, which really didn't smell very good, but I ate it anyway. Then dessert was yogurt with brown sugar! Yumm! I will say though, I watched Pilar prepare for their meal, and she took lasagna from a box, which leads me to believe most of my meals have been from a box as well. But oh well, at least the majority of it tasted good.

After dinner I brushed my teeth and washed my face, like normal. However, I didn't want to just stayed home, since I wasn't too tired due to my nap. So I grabbed my camera and headed out. I heard Fuentes de Cibeles is nice at night with the lights, so I decided to get off at Atocha metro, not the closest one, but on my line. I got a lot of (I think) good photos, mostly of fountains. The Fuente de Cibeles was nice with the light. I walked from there all the way to Plaza de Independencia, which is right next to one of the entrances to Retiro. There, two girls came up to me and asked if I had a cigarette. Of course I didn't. Then the other girl asked where I was from, in English, which was kind of weird... She must know my accent or something. She then asked where I was going. Her friend (who I think was a bit drunk) said I was going home, so I just agreed. Then they said I could hang out with them, if I wanted. I told them thanks, but no thanks. Maybe in another life I would have said yes, but I was kinda tired by then.

(L: Fuente de Cibeles. R Random fountain)

It's nice to know the teens here in Spain are nice though, Cora actually mentioned something about that yesterday during our session, that here in Spain the teens will invite someone who's alone to hang out with them, regardless of they know them or not. I like that about Spain. The US is too narrow minded about that kind of stuff. I then found a metro station and headed back to my stop. I was listening to music the entire time I was out, and I had forgotten the power music has over people. I was in a surprisingly good mood. When I got home I changed into some pjs. I got another weekend suggestion sheet from USAC earlier, so I went through and decided where to go for tomorrow and Sunday. Hopefully this last weekend here in Spain is awesome. Well, then hit I the sheets haha.

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