Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Miércoles - 22.08

Class today was great, just like yesterday. We got more information about our presentation, for which we have to research stuff about a painter and one painting by the painter to share with the rest of the class. We have to talk about the meaning behind the painting and the techniques used in the painting. She gave us four options for the painters at the beginning of class; Goya, Picasso, Dalí, and Miró. She told us to think about it and let her know by Friday, but that only two to three people could do each artist. I wanted to do Goya, originally because of convenience. His paintings are in the Prado museum, which will be the first group to present, based on the schedule. Second, because for the Prado, all the paintings are listed on the website with a brief history of the painter and subject matter of each painting on display. Third, because we're going to the Prado tomorrow for class, so I'll be able to see my chosen painting in person.

During our twenty minute break, when Patricia came back, but before most of the other students, I asked her a question about Goya and how to see which of his paintings were in the Prado. At this point, one of the girls behind me said she wanted to do Goya as well, so I spoke up and claimed one of the other spots. When the rest of the class came back, she announced two of Goya's were gone, as was a Picasso, chosen by someone else in the class. The third Goya spot was quickly taken, so I was glad I spoke up earlier.

After researching today, I have my top three choices, in case one of the other girls gets to Patricia before I do tomorrow. My first choice is "Saturno devorando a un hijo (Saturn devouring a son)". My second choice, very close to being my first choice, is "El aquelarre (Witches' Sabbath). They both look really good, but I think I'm leaning more toward the first. My third choice is just in case both girls get to her first.

My second class was decent today. I think I'm liking that class less and less. It started out as my favorite, and now it's falling in standing. It's still good though. I present my news article tomorrow, and it took me FOREVER to find a new one, but I did. It's about an Android virus in China, but it should be easy enough to talk for two minutes about. Kristen and I also got additional homework, and I'm assuming it's because we're the two that talk the least in class. All we have to do is look up a common phrase here in Spain and then explain it to the class tomorrow.

Then my third class, the cinema class, is going even better than I thought it would. I have the first "big" assignment done, which is the presentation. All that's left is to present it, which should be a piece of cake. Then there's a paper in which we need to analyze the movie we watched in class today, and then the final exam. That's it. So it seems like a lot less work now than it did before. The work load did scare a lot of people off though, the class started with I think 12 of us, and now there's six. But I'm glad, I like it way better. The "loud" ones are all gone, so now it's just students like me; quiet, attentive, and respectful. We watched a movie in class today, and it was weird. I'm noticing a trend here with Spanish movies... but it was entertaining, and good to watch. Talking about it for the paper should be easy too.

After class I headed to the metro. I wasn't hungry, surprisingly, so I didn't get a sandwich. When I got back to the apartment, I had a small snack of peanuts and Nutella. Then I took a nap. When I woke up, I was going to go to the Monastary that's on my "to see" list, which is only free on Wednesday's, but I overslept, since it closes at 6:30. Oh well, I'll go next Wednesday. Instead, I finished reading for my art class, so I'm completetly caught up, and I finished my article for my conversation class and looked up the meaning of the phrase. I'm all set to go. It feels good to be done with homework, and to be ahead, like for my Conversation class with the final presentation and the film class with my film presentation.

After that I spent a lot of time on Facebook, email (chatting with Brandon again!), and other various internet sites. I also got the basic formatting set up for my book! I'm really excited for it to come to fruition. I need to figure out cover art though... I have time to do that later. It cooled down a lot today, so I was able to open my balcony door around seven, which hasn't happened in a very, very long time. There's a nice breeze flowing through my room now. I am able to sleep with my balcony wide open here, which is good because of the heat. At home I'm too scared to leave my window open. I have irrational fears of people coming inside. Here I'm too high up though, and I still leave the metal blinds down haha.

Then it was dinner time, fifteen minutes past 9:30. Monica ate with me today though, so it was chicken, french fries, and a lettuce salad. It was yummy! I like getting meat for dinner. I had yogurt for dessert again. Tomorrow I don't have class until 11:30, and then I'm done until I have class at 4 at the museum. I'm not sure what I'll do with my time. Maybe I'll go to the botanical gardens, which are right next to the museum. I'll have lots of time there then lol. I think it depends on how hot it is tomorrow. Maybe I'll go to a museum instead. I don't know, my options are wide open. I have all of Madrid to choose from. So until tomorrow's post, goodnight loved ones.

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