Monday, July 30, 2012

Lunes - 22.18

I was super tired when I got up this morning, because as Mom and Brandon know, it's so hard for me to fall asleep! But I managed, and I ate breakfast, got dressed, all the usual stuff. Then I got to campus at my usual time. I met Alicia to swap books back, so she now has her art book and I have my gaviota book back. Then I studied a bit for my art exam in the five minutes before class.
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Like last time, I didn't need to really study, but I was able to drop a few names this time, so maybe she'll know I read. It was much easier than the last exam too, and since the last one was so easy, that's saying something. I did have the first paper flipped over though, so I answered the wrong question for one painting, but I figured it out and switched the answers so it was all answered correctly. Poor Patricia, she was so confused when I explained it to her! I think we got it all worked out though. I wasn't the last one to finish today either! There were two people left in the class, writing when I left. I don't know why, but I was excited by that.
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Then I went to the USAC office to pick up my deposit! Since I didn't wreck the apartment (surprise, surprise), I got it all back! Then I headed to the library to use a computer. I was on for about an hour, I first went to blogger and reformatted my last two posts! Then I wrote two more, one about my experience, and an ongoing one about differences here in Spain or observations. Then I did some emails and Facebook. Since there wasn't anyone on or any updates, I got off quick. Then I headed to the departmental to wait for my second exam; the conversation one. Lynette was there, and she was freaking out when she saw me because we hadn't practiced. I was confused, because I didn't know what we had to practice. She apparently thought we were supposed to have a scripted conversation where she says something, then I say something, then she says something, etc. I told her that wasn't what Sara meant, and she started freaking out more because she "studied the wrong thing". I told her she'd still do fine and could use parts of the conversation for her part. When it was our time, we ended up doing more what we had planned instead of me talking for two minutes and then her. It turned out fine anyway, it was probably better for me because it showed Sara that I can carry on a conversation.
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Then I did the individual part first. I brought out the stuffed husky from my bag for my "important object" and explained that it was important because it represented my university. I also explained that mom and dad met there, and she asked if that was why i went there. I said no, but that Jay was a student, and when I went to visit him I fell in love with the campus. Then we talked about a few other things, and then she close her notebook and said my Spanish is very good and that I got an A. Okay, I'll take that! I don't think I was expecting an A, but but she said my Spanish is very strong, I just don't talk much... So it's probably just me underestimating myself again.
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I had a while before my next class, so I ate my last muffin (from a bag I bought [for 1 Euro!] a few days ago) outside on a bench. I don't want to study for my film class, so I started typing this blog post on my little ole iPhone. Then I went to the exam a bit early. It was just a 2-3 page essay, and I didnt know how much I would write, so I wrote real big. I ended up using three pages, writing a total of four and a half. Hopefully it's good enough. I think my final grades should be an A, an A, and maybe an A-. Not too bad I'd say.
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I went to the restaurante after that last exam, since I still had one meal left on my bono. I was saving it for today. Funny how quickly today actually came... Also when I was walking, the second strap on my bag broke off. I'm glad it was my last day that I needed the bag! Anyway, at the restaurant I got peas and ham for my starter, fish with an orange colored sauce for my main, and coconut yogurt for dessert. The orange colored sauce on the fish was also orange flavored. Who knew? It was delicious though, I'm glad I got it! I sat and enjoyed my lunch slowly. Then, I headed off to the apartment.
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On the way I stopped into a store and bought ham potato chips. Cross your fingers that I can get them past security!! I put them inside the dying black bag inside my "purse". It doesn't sound like the crinkle of potato chip bags, and if I'm careful with it, the guards may never know, because you can't see the actual bags, thanks to the dying black bag. I sure hope I can bring them back! After that I packed a bit more of my stuff, leaving only the essentials out. I really hope my bag weighs less than fifty pounds, but I don't have any way to check its weight... After that I finished up my special regalo and packed it. Then I checked my email. We have 8 new student employees at the bookstore!! I think that's a sign to start looking for another job... I won't get nearly as many hours as Iast year.
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After that I wanted to take a nap. So I grabbed my camera and headed out. I wanted to be extra tired for tonight so maybe I can fall asleep quickly. I headed to Sol and just walked around for about two hours. I actually walked to Gran Vía and back. In Sol, before Gran Vía, I bought myself I've cream. I figured I could reward myself for the last two months. I got one scoop of pistachio. It. Was. Amazing. It was perfect for the hot, sunny day. The place I went to also have it to me in a real bowl too, well, a plastic one instead of paper. It's in the shape of a flower, so it'll make a nice candle holder. I had to carry it all around Gran Vía after I was done eating it though. I headed home after that around six. I washed out my flower cup and then filled my water bottle, and headed back out.
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This time I didn't get on the metro. I walked to Retiro. I walked around the park for about an hour, and then sat down. It's so hot out today, I tried to stay in total shade. My legs are melting off... But I'm glad to enjoy the outdoors. It's really beautiful here in Spain, I'll be sad to go. I walked home after a bit when I was tired of melting. As I entered the apartment building, I heard a kid screaming and I kind of buckled to myself. There's a dentists office on the first floor; that kid is probably terrified of dentists. Then I got to my floor and uploaded my photos from today to my computer. After that, I took my last shower in Spain. No one was home either, so I snuck in a few extra minutes. After my shower, I finished packing my suitcase, so the only things left (toothbrush, Chapstick, sunglasses, will be in my carry on. I'm looking good!
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Then I had me some dinner. It was The pinana pasta salad, which I was kind of disappointed about since it was my last dinner here in Spain, but I still like it, so I can't really complain. I also figured out what one of the mysterious fruits are... Apple! It didn't have an apple flavor, that's why it took me so long to place it, but I figured it out from the texture. I still have no idea what the pinana fruit is though... I had my yogurt for dessert, with brown sugar again, yay! I also mentioned to Pilar that I was missing my blue tank top, so she looked in the laundry room, then in Monica's clothing (she has the same issue mom has with Jay and Ryan's clothes), then in the living room and wasn't able to find it. I said it wasn't a big deal. It was only about three euros, and by this point I just wanna be home! That's the only thing I'm missing too, so I figure that's pretty good.
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Then I brushed my teeth and headed to bed. I'm gonna play a few games first, and then go to sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep in a decent amount of time! I will be back in America in about 28 hours!

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