Monday, June 25, 2012

Lunes - 22.12

Today was boring, hot, and semi-productive. Class was the same ole, same ole, but I got to campus earlier than normal today, because I left earlier. I was able to go to the USAC office and get my deposit from the La Mancha field trip back, and fill out the evaluation form. We didn’t get our compositions back, not that I’m expecting them anymore. I’m just going to assume I’m doing well on them, or he would tell me to step it up. Anyways, I found out we don’t have class on Wednesday, so I only have one more class to go! Then the exam on Thursday…

I went to the supermarket after class, around 11:30, and bought another 1.10 euro sandwich. I also bought another jar of Nutella, but with disappointment, as they no longer have the Madagascar ones. Poor Melvin, he’s the only character I didn’t get to enjoy. But I was able to get more, just in a boring glass jar. In addition, I bought travel packs of tissues. I only wanted like two or three, but the SMALLEST pack they had was of ten! It was only a euro though, so I bought it. I think I have allergies here, or I always have a cold, because my nose is always either runny, or stuffed up. I got tired of using toilet paper, and the pack I came with is now gone. Plus, it’ll be helpful when I travel and the bathrooms don’t have toilet paper, like in La Mancha. Talk about disappointing. The last thing I bought was a bag of peanuts. All this for about five euros. I handed the woman my 100, and she didn’t even look upset. She called someone else over to make sure it was real, which it was, and then gave me change. It was that easy! So I ate my sandwich as I walked back to the metro. It was really early compared to normal lunchtime here, but I didn’t care.

When I got back to the apartment, I was melting. It’s SO hot out today! There’s very little breeze too, especially indoors. My room here is definitely the warmest, as Monica warned me when I moved in. So I lay on the bed all day. I read/translated two chapters of my book for class, and then I rewarded myself with a nap. When I woke up, I did another chapter, and rewarded myself with a banana. It was so yummy! I did about half another chapter before I gave up and got online. I’m glad I did though, because Brandon was online! We chatted until he had to go to a meeting at work and I had dinner not long after.

Dinner was a hamburger and some papas fritas (fries). The burger had lettuce, ketchup, and tomatoes. I didn't want to pick the tomatoes off when Monica and Pilar were right there, so I ate them. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either, I couldn't really taste them, which was fine by me. Pilar didn't eat with me, but Monica did. We talked a little, mostly about travel and food. She asked if I liked Spain's food, and I said very much. I also told her there was a soup I had here that I really liked with frijoles (beans). She asked if they were a brown color, and I said yes. She then asked Pilar, who told us the name, but alas! I cannot remember it! She knows I like it a lot, so maybe she'll make it again, in which case I can ask for the name and the recipe. Monica also asked if I liked fish or meat better, and I answered meat, truthfully. She said she liked chicken a lot, and I told her it was my favorite in the US. So that was my dinner.

Overall, a pretty boring day when I sum it up, but I enjoyed it. Tomorrow I'll hopefully read more of the book, finish my paper for my culture final, and get out of the apartment for a run, and maybe some social interaction. We shall see. I'm also working on another regalo! It's turning out really well, Pilar and Monica both saw it when they called me to dinner, and they said "que bonito!" (how pretty) over and over again. I'm thinking about making them one to say "thanks for letting me stay here and for feeding me" haha. I'm not sure what to do yet, but I'll think on it. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll take it to campus tomorrow and work on it in the courtyard on the grass, in the sun, or probably in the shade, since it'll probably be very warm again. But I'll wait and see.

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