Saturday, June 30, 2012

Viernes - 15.00

I woke up today around nine, surprisingly, and got up. After going to bed around three, I'd say that's not too bad. I just kind of lounged around in the morning. I didn't make my bed right away, like normal. I did go to eat breakfast after washing my face. I was able to have cold milk this morning. It was yummy. I still miss American milk though, I don't think the milk here is "real", because it comes in cardboard boxes that don't need to be refrigerated until after you open it. Sometimes I'll get to the kitchen after Pilar pours a large bowl for cereal for Carlitos, and have to use a new box. Those days I only have about half a glass, because room temperature milk is just not very good. But I was all on my own this morning, so it was peaceful and quiet.

After breakfast, I came to my room and made my bed, sat on it for a while doing email and Facebook on my phone. Then, since it was only 75 degrees out, I decided to go running. It was fantastic. There was a heavenly breeze while I was running, it felt so good! After I did my ten minute run, I stopped in a different grassy/shady area to do my core and arms. Then after my five minute cool down, I walked slowly. This time, instead of "stopping to smell the roses", I stopped to watch the ducks. There's a small pond I run by whenever I go running, and there's usually ducks. Since it wasn't so hot out today and I was heading home, I decided to say hello.

 (One duck. Two ducks!)

Also on my way home, two things happened. One, I saw this view. It's kind of hard to see with this photo, but you can see miles and miles of Madrid. There's a tall building in the distance that you can just barely see toward the middle of the photo. It reminds me how LUCKY I am to be here, in a city as beautiful and historic as Madrid. It's the little things, right? The second thing that happened was I saw something in a window of a store that I thought would be perfect for someone back home! It was also about three doors down from my apartment building, so I walked back, switched my tennis shoes for sandals, left my iPhone and grabbed my money pouch. The store was pretty interesting. I think it's primarily a light store, since there were rows of light bulbs and hanging from every space on the ceiling were some really cool light fixtures. But I didn't get a light bulb or a light fixture. I got something more special. I'm excited about it too, I'm making it into more than what it is. This person will understand what I mean when I give it to them.

After that I cooled down in the apartment while eating the slightly wrinkly apple that I brought home from campus yesterday. I then washed up in the bathroom before coming back to my room to get started on the second part of my regalo. I bought two things at the store, and after I did the first regalo, I started working on the second. This is also special, because it'll be something handmade. I'm excited about them. I only have one person left that I want to buy for now. I'm sure I'll find something in the next month.

We never ended up going to lunch, because the other three didn't get home until about 6 in the morning, so they just wanted to sleep. I was fine with that, I got to save a bit of money. So after working on my gifts a bit more, it was time to get ready for the pool party! I wore my second bathing suit this time, so I've worn them both now! This means I can justify packing two haha.

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