Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miércoles - 18.05

I got to campus really early today, seeing as how I didn't have class until 12:25. I got there at my normal time and read the chapter in the book for my culture class outside on one of the benches. I want to enjoy the outdoors while it's not scorching hot. After I read that chapter, though, I headed to the library to be able to use a desk. I first translated/read the last two chapters of my book for my composition class. I can now officially say I have read (and understand) and entire book en Español! It's really cool to be able to say that. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

(The library at the university, both sides of the stairs)

After the library, I headed to the Reprografia to pay for my final paper to be printed. I didn't want to forget and not have anything to turn in tomorrow. That would be bad. I returned to the library after that to really look over my notes for my composition class. I understand most of it, but I'm not sure how I'll do on the exam, because I don't have all of it memorized. I'm really scared for this final, because if I fail, I've just wasted thousands of dollars. Much more than if I had just taken the class in Houghton. But I'm still hoping that my composition grades (all four of them) are high enough to bring my grade to at least a D, even if I fail the last exam tomorrow, which I don't think I will. Oh well, I'll just have to hope I'm lucky tomorrow I suppose. After about an hour of studying, I headed to the USAC office. I had gotten an email saying we could get our course information for next session.

I like my schedule next session better, Monday through Friday I'll have class from 9.00 to 11.20 again, but my second class will be from 11.30 to 12.15, instead of starting at 12.25. Then on Monday's and Wednesday's I'll have my cinema class from 12.30 to 14.20. Plus, I already have the book for my cinema class, there is no book for the conversation class, and Alicia said I could borrow hers for the Art class. Ya-hoo! No more books for me! Hopefully I like all of my classes next session too, I'm expecting them to be easier than my composition class, it's hard right now! There's so much grammar to remember... I headed up to class after I left the office.

Class went well for the last day. It was nearly all review, which was good. I think I'm pretty set for that exam, but I'm going to look over my notes after my first exam before my culture one. Someone also asked about our paper, which apparently was supposed to be double spaced. I asked if it was okay if it wasn't double spaced, since I already had printed mine and didn't want to spend another 10 cents for another copy. Everyone seemed shocked that I had managed to get two pages of material single spaced. I guess I managed to make myself look like an over achiever without even meaning to. Oh well, it's the quality that counts, not the quantity. Hopefully mine has quality.

After class I went to the supermarket to buy meself a sandwich. I got the chicken and cheese wrap again, and sat on a bench just outside to eat it. When I left the supermarket it was lightly sprinkling. It was a warm rain, I liked it. It wasn't hard enough to hurt my wrap, so I didn't bother moving to shade. As I was eating, I read the package to see if I knew the ingredients. Most of them I knew, some I didn't. I also read the instructions. Apparently you're supposed to cook it first. Whoops. But the chicken's already cooked, so it's probably just to melt the cheese. I don't feel sick after I eat it cold, so I don't worry about it. Then I headed back to the apartment. I checked my email again before grabbing my camera and heading out. A few days ago, I read online that there's a Rosaleda (rose garden) in Retiro park, so I decided I was going to find it.

I did, it was much closer to my entrance than I had thought. Because of the heat that's been here the past week, most of the roses were dying, or already wrinkled up. I did get some pretty good photos though, and it was beautiful! Especially with the fountains on either side of the garden. It was pretty big too, I'd say about the size of Grandpa's garden, maybe a little bit bigger? That's just an idea of how GIANT Retiro Park is (for those of you that have seen Grandpa's garden). It was sunny too, so the water from the fountains was sparkling, and the flowers were all very vibrant in color. It was a wonderful study break.

(Red and Buff roses!!)

(One of the fountains, and me just outside the Rosaleda)

After the park, I came home. It's SO hot here! My dress is all sweaty and I'm all sweaty. I don't like it! I'm melting... but when I got back, I got on Facebook to upload my photos from today, and I also posted in the Facebook group for the second summer session that I want to sell my books to someone who needs them for the second session. Hopefully I get a taker, since none of my regular places (online) are buying them back at all. I'll have to wait and see though. Wish me luck with that, it could give me food money!! After posting, I went back to studying. Not much fun.

After a bit of studying, I changed into my yellow tank top and stuffed my front pockets with my money and ID, because I'm heading out to a fútbol game. If Madrid loses tonight, they're done playing, so it might be my last chance to see a game, that's why I'm going. It's Madrid versus Portugal, and both teams wear red, so I'm not too upset that I don't own red clothing lol. I figured yellow was the best alternative. We're planning on going out for tapas before the game (and the guy heading it up said it was only 2 euros so I hope he's right!). He also said he had face paint, so I'm not quite sure what to expect... I heard it gets pretty crazy there with the fans. If they don't like me not wearing red, then I'll let them paint my face or something. But I'm not bringing my purse today because I know it'll be crazy crowded, and I don't wanna run the risk of being pick-pocketed. Hopefully tonight is all positive experiences. I'm going to bring my camera too, so hopefully all's well with that. I can keep both hands on it this time since I don't need to keep one on my purse!

I'm not sure if I'll post again tonight, I might just crash since exams are in the morning. So until my next post, hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. It was crazy hot in Rome and Greece too! its so nice to be back in the UK where its cold and raining, for a few days at least.
