Friday, June 22, 2012

Viernes - 22.45

Class today was pretty good. Today was the first day since I've been here that I didn't wear my watch. I decided to be feminine and wear my bracelet with my skirt instead. I found myself tilting my wrist many times today to check the time, only to see a little owl charm staring back at me. But it might have helped class go by faster. At the end, he put us in groups and we had to write a short play to preform in front of class. Since my group had 3 girls and one guy, someone suggested that the three of us be friends who had all recently met a guy. The guy in our group was dating all three of us. It was really funny, and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

After class, I went to talk to Susan in the office about the abono joven for the metro in July. This is the first time it's this type of card, which is why there have been so many hiccups, so since we were the first three to get ours, I figured Susan would want to see them and read the letter that came with it (since I can't understand it fully). She appreciated that a lot. She also made a photocopy of the instructions that came with the card. So I felt helpful for the day. I then ate my banana on the way to the metro. It was delicious.

Then I came home, and had a wonderfully boring day. I chatted with momma on Facebook, and then took a four hour nap. I'm not sure if I was so tired because I didn't get home until 2:30 this morning, or if it was a combination of that and how busy I've been this week. Probably both. Anyway, I didn't eat lunch, I napped through it, so I ate some peanuts and then some crackers and Nutella for a snack when I woke up. I also fixed my third composition that I got back today in class for Tuesday's homework and did the worksheet that's our homework for Monday. I even started the fourth composition, which is also due Monday. I couldn't finish it, because the theme is "Diary of the Weekend", and since this weekend hasn't happened yet, I could only talk about Thursday and Friday. I wrote in my paper that Thursday is like a part of the weekend where I'm from. Which is true, since all weekend activities at Tech start Thursday. But all I have to do is talk about La Mancha tomorrow, and then whatever I end up doing Sunday, including Skyping the people I love most! Throughout the entire time I was writing my compositions, Carlitos was screaming. It was not fun, so I wasn't sure how Pilar was mood-wise.

After the homework though I spent some time on my computer, and then took another nap. I'm just sooo tired! This nap was only half an hour though. Then I attended dinner. It was like having a three course meal! There was the same soup as a few days ago (that looks like Campbell's condensed chicken noodle without the chicken) with a piece of bread. Then there was... how do I describe it... it looked like lasagna, but instead of noodles on the top and bottom, it was a type of breading? In the middle there was no cheese, it was ground beef, onions, peppers, (probably more) in a type of what I think was tomato sauce? Haha mom's right, I will never be able to be a food critic because I don't know food! But it was delicious. I had my standard yogurt for dessert. Pilar was in the kitchen putting away dishes and folding laundry on the balcony, so we spoke a bit, but not too much. I told her I had photos from my life in the US, and she said of course she wanted to see them.

I finished eating and brought my laptop into the kitchen, where I then showed her. Finally, right? There were 18 photos I showed her. The first was of Brianna and I in our cap and gowns at Baccalaureate so she could see my best friend. Then I showed her our family photo from the cruise, the one where we're all dressed really spiffy in our formal wear. She said mom and dad were very young, so there you go mom! She also was surprised to see how dark my hair was. Then there was another photo of mom and dad where you could see them better on the cruise (where she again said how young mom and dad looked), and I showed her the photo of dad frolfing, when one of his discs was in the water. Pilar knew what Frisbee-ing was, so I just left it at that. I didn't really explain the game, since it would be difficult in Spanish. Then there was a photo of Jason at the frolf park, and then Jason, Ryan, and Brandon at the park.

 Pilar was surprised that I had a boyfriend, and then she asked if I missed him. I said of course! She also said two months will go by fast, and so far it has. There were then two photos of just Brandon and I, two of all my AGD sisters, and then one of our Carnival statue from last year. Pilar was very surprised to see all the snow, and I was able to explain to her that each year there's a Carnaval del Invierno (Winter Carnival), where we take all the snow we get and make snow statues. She said it was very intricate and beautiful. I'll have to tell my sisters that. I also told her I was the one that made the trees and she was excited about that. The next photo was of Sonya and I wearing numbered vests for snowboarding. I explained that in addition to the statues, there's smaller games as well. I also included the photo to show her Sonya, my best friend up at school. There was another of Sonya, Jack, and I at the Wisconsin State Fair. Then the last three were some of my drawings. Pilar was very impressed, and said they were all beautiful. One was of a gymnast at the Olympics, and I explained that I was a gymnast when I was younger. Pilar said she could tell because of my body. So I must be maintaining it well! The last was my drawing of Taylor Swift, and I explained she was my favorite singer. I must have drawn it well enough, because Pilar said she looked very pretty.

So that was my excitement for the day. I like being able to practice my Spanish. Well, I mean that's good because it's what I'm here for! It's also easier to understand her. She asked if it was difficult to find work in the US, and I said it depended on what field of work it was. She said it was hard here for all fields. She said Monica works little because it's hard to find work, but I think she said Monica is a teacher? Or something close to it. She also said it was hard because her and their father were divorced after 22 years of marriage, 8 years ago because they didn't get along. That was about all I understood, but I think she might have said what she does and what Maria Teresa does as well, I just missed it. I guess that's a conversation for another day! But I finally showed her the photos, so I'm proud of myself!

And that was my day today. Tomorrow morning I leave for La Mancha and Castilla at 9, and I won't get back until 7:30. I'm planning on getting back, eating dinner, and maybe finish up my composition four, talking about Sunday as if it already happened. It shouldn't be too hard, all I'm doing for sure is Skype, though I may go to el Rastro again for about an hour this time, and some more homework. Maybe photography. But it doesn't matter what I write anyway, Jorge has no way of knowing if it's true or not, so as long as it's close it'll be fine. So I'll post tomorrow after I return to Madrid!

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