Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sábado - 22.01

*Una Mensaje Especial*

I took a nap after my last post, and it was wonderful. I did wake up early enough to follow mom's suggestion and sit in the same room they were in. It was nice to be with people, but my language skills didn't expand - the TV was in French and Maria Teresa y Carlos (her husband) were speaking French because Carlitos was in the room. I don't know French. (They want Carlitos to learn Spanish, French, and English, which is why I was asked to speak with him in English). I was handed some catalogs that I could read. It was fun to read them in Spanish. The descriptions were short, which was perfect.

Dinner was delicious. It was baked chicken, some meat that resembled sloppy joe but tasted a bit tangier, and french fries. Earlier today on the scavenger hunt Jullian mentioned that he wished there was ketchup here, because every time he was given fries, there was no ketchup. I was given ketchup :) It's a bit awkward eating for now, since I don't know Spanish well enough to keep up when they're talking, and it's a small kitchen, so we're all situated around a table that's pushed up against a wall. It was nice though, I'm also getting used to the late dinners. Yay!

I also gave them the plate after dinner. They seemed surprised that I had gotten them a gift, which I was okay with. I had told them I had a gift for them and asked if I could give it to them "now", all in Spanish. I then explained the plate to them in FULL Spanish. I stumbled over some words, but like I expected, they were patient with me. It was pretty easy, but that's only because I've been practicing what to say for about two days now haha. Monica was impressed that I had painted it, and Pilar kept saying lo me encanto (I love it). I explained the fish and said Freeland was known for our Walleye Festival, where people come to fish and go to garage sales. (I didn't know the translation for that, so I said people sell things in their garages :p)

It was a good experience involving my Spanish skills.

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